Вихідні дані

Provider of this website is

International Tracing Service (ITS)
Große Allee 5 – 9
34454 Bad Arolsen

Telefon: +49 5691 629-0
Fax: +49 5691 629-501

E-mail: info@arolsen-archives.org
Internet: arolsen-archives.org

Authorized representative:
Floriane Azoulay, ITS Director

Responsible for content:
Floriane Azoulay, ITS Director

The editors of the website can be contacted via e-mail: pr@arolsen-archives.org

Content-related concept and web design has been developed by Goldener Westen, Berlin.
Technical implementation and programming by bleech, Berlin.


Despite careful content monitoring we do not accept liability for the content of external links. The providers of these links carry sole responsibility for their content.

The ITS holds the authorization for the photos on this website. The use of any photos on this website by a third party is possible upon request filed at and with authorization provided by the ITS only, unless it has been clearly marked otherwise.

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