#Found: Waldemar Maria Rowiński
We are looking for relatives of Waldemar Maria Rowiński, born on September 14, 1923, in Poręba, Silesia. He lived at 11 Listopada 26 in Chorzów, where he attended primary school and the “No. 868 Stanisława Kostki” secondary school for boys. His student ID and school reports provide an insight into this period. He also carried two photos of his father, Czesław, a police commissioner.
When Waldemar Rowiński was 17, the SS deported him as a political prisoner on the first transport to Auschwitz. He was transferred to the Neuengamme concentration camp on March 12, 1943. On May 3, 1945, he died when the Cap Arcona sank in the Bay of Lübeck. Waldemar Rowiński was buried in Neustadt.