Stanisław Żόłtko
We are looking for relatives of Stanisław Żόłtko, born in Słońsk, northeast of Frankfurt/Oder, on June 3, 1923. An unmarried man who worked as a farmhand, he last lived in Brzeziny in Kielce County. From there he was deported to the German Reich as a forced laborer. In May 1941, he was registered by the employment office in Augsburg. The employment offices in Germany and the occupied territories were in charge of the work assignments of forced laborers. Stanisław Zoltko had to work for Alois Donderer in the neighboring town of Dinkelscherben. The Gestapo incarcerated him in the Augsburg prison in late November 1943 for alleged theft. His transfer to Munich on December 18, 1943, was followed by deportation to the Dachau concentration camp. There the SS registered him with the prisoner number 60 564. After the camp’s liberation, he received treatment in a hospital for Displaced Persons. The Arolsen Archives have his labor card and souvenir photos of his family and friends.