Karl Friedrich Geissler
We are looking for relatives of Karl Friedrich Geissler. A merchant by trade, he was born on September 28, 1897, in Heidelberg. His parents were called Karl and Pauline, his wife’s name was Maria. In June 1938, the criminal investigation police arrested Geissler as part of the "Reich work-shirker" campaign. Shortly afterwards, he was deported to Dachau concentration camp. From there he was transferred to Mannheim remand center, Mauthausen concentration camp, and Bernau prison, before being sent back to Dachau again. In 1942, he was examined for suitability to serve in the Wehrmacht as a “volunteer," but he remained in custody in Dachau for unknown reasons.
In the spring of 1942, the National Socialists carried out medical experiments on Karl Geissler at the malaria station there. In the summer of 1943, he had to spend two months in the penal block of the concentration camp. In 1944, his tormentors finally took him to the Natzweiler concentration camp, where he was liberated on April 26, 1945. Afterwards, he went to live in Mannheim.