Janusz Klinkowski
We are looking for the family of Janusz Klinkowski, born in Berlin on April 24, 1910. The master chimneysweep last lived with his wife (née Lipinska) and child in Gnesen/Gniezno in present-day Poland. In May 1940, the police in nearby Hohensalza/Inowrocław arrested him for “anti-German behavior” and put him in “protective custody.” This was a punishment arbitrarily imposed on persons considered critical of the regime or otherwise undesirable.
Soon thereafter, Klinkowski was deported to the Dachau concentration camp. In April 1942 he was transferred to the Stutthoff camp and assigned to work in the infirmary. His arrest in the Neuengamme camp in Hamburg followed in October 1944. On May 20, 1945, shortly after his liberation, Janusz Klinkowski died in a hospital in Rotenburg near Bremen.