Category: News

  • First mementoes returned to Greek family

    The Arolsen Archives have eight envelopes containing the personal belongings of Greek victims of Nazi persecution. On June 20, 2024, we were able to return one of these envelopes for the very first time. It was handed over to the granddaughter of resistance fighter Vasilios Kontogeorgiou at the Greek Embassy…

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  • Animated film about a Ukrainian forced laborer

    In a new, fifth animated film, which is accompanied by a web story, we tell the story of the Ukrainian national Zakhariy Kistechok. He was deported to Bavaria for forced labor where he died under unclear circumstances. One among millions of civilian forced laborers Zakhariy Kistechok was born in…

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  • A watch as the last reminder of a missing father

    Zbigniew Miłecki has had no news of his father for 80 years. And then one day the phone rings. It is not a sign of life, not a message that will bring his father back, but one that rekindles distant memories – his father’s watch still exists! Stolen from him…

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  • Mementoes returned to French family

    When the Nazis arrested Maurice Herment, they took away all of his personal belongings, which included a wallet with photos and documents. During the first #StolenMemory exhibition in Paris back in 2018, we appealed to the public for help in tracing Maurice Herment’s relatives. We have now managed to return…

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  • 80 years of silence: Their great-uncle was in a concentration camp

    The Genenger siblings found out that their great-uncle Robert had been imprisoned in a concentration camp through an appeal for information that appeared in a local newspaper. The Nazis persecuted the trained roofer as a “career criminal.” They confiscated his personal belongings, which we have now returned to his relatives.

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  • First memento returned to family in England

    The Nazis took away all of Hans-Joachim Bünger’s personal belongings when they arrested him – including a black pen which has now been returned to his family in London. He never lived there himself. Persecuted for his Jewish origins This is the first time we have returned a memento to…

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  • Seven years of #StolenMemory – personal effects of over 850 prisoners returned to families

    The Arolsen Archives launched the #StolenMemory campaign in November 2016. The aim was to return around 3,200 envelopes containing the personal belongings of concentration camp inmates to their relatives. Only thanks to a number of coincidences did a very small number of the personal possessions that the Nazis confiscated from…

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  • Poland: Prisoner’s ring returned to her granddaughter

    On September 22, a piece of jewelry belonging to Karolina Sitek née Barcik was handed over to her granddaughter Bozena Krupa at Zakopane City Hall. The ring had been taken from her grandmother in Ravensbrück concentration camp . Arolsen Archives volunteer Elżbieta Koczar from the Zory Municipal Cultural Center managed…

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  • #StolenMemory in Paris: Families of Three Concentration Camp Inmates Receive Mementoes

    With the help of volunteers, staff of the Arolsen Archives have found the families of three victims of persecution from France. The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, hosted the return ceremony. For Kabir Boucif, it was a very special moment when he received the watch and the signet ring that…

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  • #StolenMemory Tour started in France

    20 towns in 18 months: Thanks to funding from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, our #StolenMemory traveling exhibition is also touring France and telling stories about the fates of ten victims of National Socialism until the end of 2024.

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