Cancellation of our traveling exhibition from November 2020 onwards

After stopping in Spenge near Bielefeld, the #StolenMemory container was supposed to continue its tour in November 2020, stopping in three more places before the end of the year. But #StayHomeStaySafe is more important!
The current coronavirus situation has sadly forced us to cancel the last three stops on our 2020 #StolenMemory traveling exhibition tour, which should have taken us to Reken, Geeste, and Steinheim. Rising case numbers and the precautionary measures that have become necessary as a result make it impossible for us to continue the tour as planned. Together with our cooperation partners at local level, we very much hope that we will be able to make up for lost time and arrange new dates for all three venues in 2021.
A few small repairs
After its last stop in Spenge, North Rhine-Westphalia, the exhibition container will be coming home to Bad Arolsen and going into hibernation until January. However, we will be interrupting its slumbers every now and again to take care of a few small “repairs.” Two of the jobs on our to-do list are touching up the color finish on the exterior walls and replacing one of the posters. The new poster will feature even more interactive links to digital content for future visitors to explore.
#StolenMemory returns in 2021 – as a double act
We hope the #StolenMemory container will be able to go back on tour again in 2021 as planned. Representatives from 17 different towns and villages that would like to host the exhibition have already contacted us. We are really pleased with the great response!
In fact, the exhibition has proved so popular and demand is so high that we have commissioned a second container. So in 2021, the first container will be joined by its twin, which will be slightly different inside. The new container will start the year by opening its doors to visitors in various German towns and villages with over 20,000 inhabitants. It will then be re-fitted with a new interior before spending the second half of the year touring through Poland. This makes sense because a large number of the “effects” that are stored at the Arolsen Archives are the property of former concentration camp prisoners from Poland.
We are currently busy planning the routes for both containers. Please contact us if you would like the traveling exhibition to come to your town!